Booster for All FDA-Approved Vaccines Now Available

Los Angeles County is now administering boosters for all three FDA-approved vaccines; Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

For people who received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots are recommended for everyone who was vaccinated two or more months ago.

LA County residents eligible for a booster dose of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine include those who received the second of the two-dose vaccine series at least 6 months ago and are:

  • 65 years and older OR
  • Age 18 and older who live in long-term care settings OR
  • Age 18 and older who have underlying medical conditions OR
  • Age 18 and older who work or live in high-risk settings.

All eligible individuals are now allowed to choose a different brand from their original vaccine as a booster.

When getting your booster, you should bring proof of their primary vaccine series, such as the white vaccination card, a photo of the white vaccination card, or a digital record. At many sites, you may be asked to sign an attestation form indicating you meet the criteria to receive the booster if you don’t have proof of vaccination.

You can make an appointment for their booster by using or the County website at and for more information about booster shots. Additionally, many pharmacies and clinics countywide may be accepting appointments through their own systems.

If you need a ride to get your vaccination, you can reach out to the Public Health call center at 1-833-540-0473 and you will be connected to free transportation.

For additional information, visit the CDC webpage COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot.

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