Where To Get Tested For Covid-19
Los Angeles County
Community COVID-19 testing sites are being held throughout Los Angeles County. Samples will be collected using a swab in the nostril or in the mouth. These samples are then sent to a lab to test for the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS‑CoV‑2 virus).
Click here to see where you can get tested for Covid-19 in Los Angeles County.
Covid-19 Symptoms
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) can vary widely, and may include the following flu-like symptoms:
- Fever (greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
- Diarrhea and/or vomiting
For some, COVID-19 symptoms can become severe and need immediate medical attention. If you or a loved one are showing the following signs, contact your medical provider immediately:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Confusion
- Bluish lips or face
What do I do if I or a loved one is showing symptoms?
If you believe you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or believe that you may have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, first contact your healthcare provider. It is very important to call them before leaving your home; your healthcare provider will be able to advise you on what to do, and will be able to take steps to prepare for your arrival to keep themselves and others safe.
If you are feeling ill, make sure you isolate yourself as much as you can from other members of your household. Do not leave your home, and contact your healthcare provider for guidance. If testing is recommended, look online for nearby testing sites and set an appointment online or via telephone. Please do not go to the nearest emergency room unless you are experiencing a medical emergency
What can I do to protect myself and others from COVID-19?
There are many steps you can take to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe and to help slow the spread of COVID-19, including:
- Staying home and only leaving for essential activities like groceries, medical appointments, and essential work
- Stay physically distant – at least 6 feet – from others outside of your household
- Wear a face covering whenever leaving home
- Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow, and wash your hands after
- Stay home and self-isolate if you are not feeling well
- Practice good hand hygiene: wash your hands regularly and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel
- Keep your home clean and regularly disinfect high-touch areas like doorknobs, light switches, and the refrigerator door
- Follow guidance from public health officials
Remember to keep in close contact with your healthcare provider about any additional steps you can take or if you have any questions about your health.